Ethical Hacking and Penetration Journal

Week 1

On week 1 , we were introduced about the topic ,what should we expecting from this course and the final project that will be submitted in the end of the semester.

Week 2

On the second week , we’re refreshing about the topic from last week and the requirement of the final project.

Week 3

We have tried to use searching engine to the target using Maltego and TheHarvester to show the information about our target. we were also tried to using google dork to find out the sensitive file that have been exposed to the internet.

Week 4

in this week , we tried to find the address of the target using using fingerprinting tools to know the OS or operating system that the target is using to make it easier to breach to the system.

Week 5

this week , we continued by enumerating the target. by enumerating the target, we can discover about the network shared between the target and another information that related to the network.

Week 6.

after finding the information of the target , we tried to find some of the vulnerabilities of the target.

Week 7

In this week , we learned Social Engineering in the class by using SeToolKit. which is allows to attack in a flash by cloning the webpage.

Week 8

In this week , we tried to learn about creating fake by using Setoolkit and fill the password and username to check the username and password that have been entered in the fake facebook webpage.

Week 9

This week , we learned about the exploitation of the target which is the necessary to the penetration testing. This step is when we attack the vulnerable part of the system by using some tools which is msfconsole, msfcli.

Week 10

In this week , we learn how to do password attacks, which is the lock of the credential and the key is required. to crack the password, we need the wordlists for the computer to test it. there are several tools to do password cracking. which is john the ripper, hydra, ophcrack and many more. most of the tools are brute forcing the attack by trying each passwords that have been provided by the attackers.

Week 11

After cracking password , we need to escalate the privilege to get more access on the target and leave some backdoor to make sure that it can be accessed when it is needed without the notice of the owner. there are some tools for backdoor which is Cymothoa, WeBaCoo , metasploiy, weevely and many more.

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Intelligent System Journal

Week 1

On the first week in the course, Ms. Nurul introduce the final project for the end of the semester

Week 2

On the second week in the course, we were tasked to assign our group and submit the link that is given by Ms. Nurul. and doing refreshing about DFS (Depth First Search) and BFS (Breadth First Search) and add some Searching Method.

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Report Multimedia Final Project

Final Project Report

Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction


Alien Warfare

  • Muhammad Erizky Suryaputra – 2201797052
  • Ricky Anderson Ricco – 2201796636
  • Vedro Suwandi – 2201798093

Game Description

This game is free to all ages and genders. To win this game the ability of reflective hands is required. When the game started the main page will start to show to the player. They can set up the plane in the shop before the game started. Then the game will be started. As the game started the guider will teach you how to play the game.


When the player starts the game, the player use mouse to move omnidirectional and there will be enemies that prevent the player to reach their boss and win the game there will be 3 kinds of enemy’s army  the weak , the average and the strong one before facing the boss. The enemy will keep grows stronger as the player advances. The currency will drop if the enemies is defeated and it can be used to buy bunch of cool ships and powerful bullets and upgrade the old one to make it stronger. The shop contains the ships store, bullet store and upgrades owned ship but it needed a currency to do so.

The player will clear the game if the boss is beaten and that also applies the opposite, if the player’s HP reaches 0 it will be game over. To win the game the player just simply avoiding and attack at the same time. as the attacking is automatic so the player could just simply keep avoiding the enemy.


The player using mouse to move omnidirectional to avoid the enemy. The player could go to menu and set the audio to be mute or not.


  • Muhammad Erizky Suryaputra – Programmer for the game. Eris created the game structure, game system.
  • Ricky Anderson Ricco – Created the game idea and the Game Mechanics.
  • Vedro Suwandi – Designer. Vedro Helped with the design of the game and the setting of the game


  • Menu Screen
  • Vertically screen gameplay


My contribution:


I am the one who responsible of the design of the game. The position of the buttons and the features in the game and appoint the role and the position of the character. I also supported my teammates in making the game.


The player use mouse to move omnidirectional and there will be enemies that prevent the player to reach their boss and win the game there will be 3 kinds of enemy’s army  the weak , the average and the strong one before facing the boss


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My Contribution of my final project(Multimedia)

I am the one who responsible of the design of the game. The position of the buttons and the features in the game and appoint the role and the position of the character. I also supported my teammates in making the game.

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Final Project Proposal

Student Information:                    Surname                                 Given Name                                    Student ID number

1.                                                             Suwandi                            Vedro                                              2201798093      

Class                                        : L2AC                                                Name of Lecturer(s)         : Mr. Raymond Bahana
Major                                      : Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction
Title of Assignment          : Construct 2 Final project proposal


(if any)

Type of Assignment          : Paper                                                 Date and Time of Visit      : –
Submission Pattern

Due Date                                : 09-04-2019                                     Submission Date                 : 09-04-2019



BiNus International seriously regards all forms of plagiarism, cheating and collusion as academic offenses which may result in severe penalties, including loss/drop of marks, course/class discontinuity and other possible penalties executed by the university. Please refer to the related course syllabus for further information.


Declaration of Originality

By signing this assignment, I understand, accept and consent to BiNus International terms and policy on plagiarism. Herewith I declare that the work contained in this assignment is my own work and has not been submitted for the use of assessment in another course or class, except where this has been notified and accepted in advance.


Signature of Student:                                                     (Name of Student)


1                                                                                        Vedro Suwandi







The purpose of this project is to fulfill the requirement for final project of Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction in my second semester. This project is created using construct 2 that developed by Scirra.


Explanation of the project

This project’s team consist of: Ricky Anderson Ricco, Eris Suryaputra and Vedro Suwandi.

In this project, we are going to make a game with the space theme war that consist of the spaceship and the alien ship that can be shot by using a various gun provided by the game that we’re making .


The spaceship(Player / user) can move to all direction depending on the user as the ship shooting automatically since the enemy’s ship is keep closing to the player , if the enemy keep closing and collide with the player’s life will decreased and of course the life is limited and after it reaches zero it will be game over. Since the level of the game is keep increasing as the game process, as the level is keep increasing the harder the level will become. Before advances to the next level, the Boss needs to be destroyed to clear the level. Sometimes the enemy will drop some item for the player to be use.

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